W is for Windsor: A-to-Z Challenge

One of my favorite chairs, this often overlooked Windsors may have originated in Wales, Ireland and England, where wheelwrights creating chairs as they made wheel spokes, which were chairs using compression tension joints, with no hide glue holding the spokes in place, in the 15th or 16th century.  There is a true Windsor, and then there is Windsor-style, and they are now made world-wide.

I love them for their structural integrity, their ruggedness, and the sheer volume of designs!  Below are many Windsors, roughly starting with early Windsors and primitive Windsors, moving into modern Windsors.

Good information on possible history is found on Wikipedia,
though my reading suggests that this is a stub and needs correction.

 ©MPF Conservation.  May be printed for your own use.
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Thanks to Wikipedia, 1stdibs (a great store to buy from!),
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and
the Victoria and Albert Museum for images as noted.