Deadlines: A Re-post from Kate’s Art Site

Kate has a site where she posts about her art journaling.
Of course, our work is often a subject… This is from her post at  dkatiepowellart.

Deadlines are stressful, and partly it is because of my age;
I am simply not as young as I used to be, and when hand stitching an item like the sofa,
my arthritic hands feel it, as I am going through several layers of thick gimp and silk.

Thankfully I get to stitch side-by-side with Mitchell;
we stitched together at opposite ends of the sofa.
We listened to Michelle Obama’s autobiography, read by her!
(A great read, and having little to do with her life as first lady.)

I thought you might like to see the real thing this time…
The actual antique sofa below, and earlier sketches.

It is wonderful to have this visual remembering!