Washington State Flag: Painting

We left off with eyes following me around the room, above, and a day of oiling out.

The background is a blend from left to right of
phthalo, sap, olive, and chromium greens,
as we illuminate George from behind on the right side.

The first coats of his jacket are on, moving between two blends,
a darker blend to a bright blue blend,
and his eyes begin with the brighter blue in their first coat.

Note the difference in brilliance as the paint begins to cure…
It will darken even a bit more as the days wear on.

A second deepening coat of blues will be added before I write again.
While I blend oils as I go, I am interested in
applying thin layers to avoid a highly textured painting.

Know that the subtle shadings of colors from one blank to the next is due
to the artificial versus natural light in the room when photographed,
and fresh paint is much brighter than after it is cured…

Next post, here.

To begin at the beginning, visit Washington State Flag, 1.

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